dry nurse

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
dry nurse
    n 1: a nurse who cares for but does not suckle an infant
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Nurse \Nurse\ (n[^u]rs), n. [OE. nourse, nurice, norice, OF.
   nurrice, norrice, nourrice, F. nourrice, fr. L. nutricia
   nurse, prop., fem. of nutricius that nourishes; akin to
   nutrix, -icis, nurse, fr. nutrire to nourish. See {Nourish},
   and cf. {Nutritious}.]
   1. One who nourishes; a person who supplies food, tends, or
      brings up; as:
      (a) A woman who has the care of young children;
          especially, one who suckles an infant not her own.
      (b) A person, especially a woman, who has the care of the
          sick or infirm.
          [1913 Webster]

   2. One who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow,
      trains, fosters, or the like.
      [1913 Webster]

            The nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. (Naut.) A lieutenant or first officer, who is the real
      commander when the captain is unfit for his place.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. (Zool.)
      (a) A peculiar larva of certain trematodes which produces
          cercariae by asexual reproduction. See {Cercaria}, and
      (b) Either one of the nurse sharks.
          [1913 Webster]

   {Nurse shark}. (Zool.)
      (a) A large arctic shark ({Somniosus microcephalus}),
          having small teeth and feeble jaws; -- called also
          {sleeper shark}, and {ground shark}.
      (b) A large shark ({Ginglymostoma cirratum}), native of
          the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, having the dorsal
          fins situated behind the ventral fins.

   {To put to nurse}, or {To put out to nurse}, to send away to
      be nursed; to place in the care of a nurse.

   {Wet nurse}, {Dry nurse}. See {Wet nurse}, and {Dry nurse},
      in the Vocabulary.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Dry nurse \Dry" nurse`\
   A nurse who attends and feeds a child by hand; -- in
   distinction from a {wet nurse}, who suckles it.
   [1913 Webster] Drynurse
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
35 Moby Thesaurus words for "dry nurse":
      aliment, amah, ayah, breast-feed, care for, cherish, coddle,
      cosset, cradle, cultivate, fatten, fatten up, feed, fondle,
      force-feed, foster, lactate, lavish care on, mammy, mother, nanny,
      nourish, nurse, nursemaid, nurserymaid, nurture, nutrify, pamper,
      sitter, spoon-feed, stuff, suckle, sustain, wet nurse, wet-nurse


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