Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
DOUBLE ENTRY. A term used among merchants to signify that books of account
are kept in such a manner that they present the debit and credit of every
thing. The term is used in contradistinction to single entry.
2. Keeping books by double entry is more exact, because, presenting all
the active and all the passive property of the merchant, in their respective
divisions, there cannot be placed an article to, an account, which does not
pass to some correspondent account elsewhere. It presents a perfect, view of
each operation, and, from the relation and comparison of the divers
accounts, which always keep pace with each other, their correctness is
proved; for every commercial operation is necessarily composed of two
interests, which are connected together. The basis of this mode of keeping
books, and the only condition required, is to write down every transaction
and nothing else; and to make no entry without putting it down to the two
agents of the operation. By this means a merchant whose transactions are
extensive, comprising a great number of subjects, is able to known not only
the general situation of his affairs, but also the situation of each
particular operation. For example, when a merchant receives money, his cash
account becomes debtor, and the person who has paid it, or the merchandise
sold, is credited with it; when he pays money, the cash account, is
credited, And the merchandise bought, or the obligation paid, is debited
with it. See Single entry.