display screen equipment

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Visual Display Unit
Display Screen Equipment

   <hardware> (VDU, or "video terminal", "video display
   terminal", VDT, "display terminal") A device incorporating a
   {cathode ray tube} (CRT) display, a keyboard and a {serial
   port}.  A VDU usually also includes its own display
   electronics which store the received data and convert it into
   electrical waveforms to drive the CRT.

   VDUs fall into two categories: {dumb terminals} and
   {intelligent terminals} (sometimes called "programmable

   Early VDUs could only display characters in a single preset
   {font}, and these were confined to being layed out in a
   rectangular grid, reproducing the functionality of the
   paper-based {teletypes} they were designed to replace.

   Later models added graphics facilities but were still driven
   via serial communications, typically with several VDUs
   attached to a single multi-user computer.  This contrasts with
   the much faster single {bitmap displays} integrated into most
   modern single-user {personal computers} and {workstations}.

   The term "Display Screen Equipment" (DSE) is used almost
   exclusively in connection with the health and safety issues
   concerning VDUs.

   Working with VDUs - UK Heath and Safety Executive


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