deep hack mode

from Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
deep hack mode

   See {hack mode}.
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
hack mode
deep hack mode

   <jargon> Engaged in {hack}ing.  A Zen-like state of total
   focus on The Problem that may be achieved when one is hacking
   (this is why every good hacker is part mystic).  Ability to
   enter such concentration at will correlates strongly with
   wizardliness; it is one of the most important skills learned
   during {larval stage}.  Sometimes amplified as "deep hack

   Being yanked out of hack mode (see {priority interrupt}) may
   be experienced as a physical shock, and the sensation of being
   in hack mode is more than a little habituating.  The intensity
   of this experience is probably by itself sufficient
   explanation for the existence of hackers, and explains why
   many resist being promoted out of positions where they can
   code.  See also {cyberspace}.

   Some aspects of hackish etiquette will appear quite odd to an
   observer unaware of the high value placed on hack mode.  For
   example, if someone appears at your door, it is perfectly okay
   to hold up a hand (without turning one's eyes away from the
   screen) to avoid being interrupted.  One may read, type, and
   interact with the computer for quite some time before further
   acknowledging the other's presence (of course, he or she is
   reciprocally free to leave without a word).  The understanding
   is that you might be in {hack mode} with a lot of delicate
   state in your head, and you dare not {swap} that context out
   until you have reached a good point to pause.  See also
   {juggling eggs}.

   [{Jargon File}]


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