
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Deadborn \Dead"born`\, a.
   Stillborn. --Pope.
   [1913 Webster]
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
DEAD-BORN, descent, persons. Children dead-born are considered, in law, as 
if they had never been conceived, so that no one can claim a title, by 
descent, through such dead-born child. This is the doctrine of the civil 
law. Dig. 50, 16, 129. Non nasci, et natum mori, pare, sunt. Mortuus exitus, 
non est exitus. Civil Code of Louis. art. 28. A child in ventre sa mere is 
considered in being, only when it is for its advantage, and not for the 
benefit of a third person. The rule in the common law is, probably, the 
same, that a dead-born child is to be considered as if he had never been 
conceived or born in other words, it is presumed he never had life. it being 
a maxim of the common law, that mortuus exitus non est exitus. Co. Litt. 29 
b. See 2 Paige, R. 35; Domat, liv. prel. t. 2, s. 1, n. 4, 6; 4 Ves. 334. 

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