de quota litis

from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
DE QUOTA LITIS. The name of a part or contract, in the civil law, by which 
one who has a claim difficult to recover, agrees with another to give a part 

for the purpose of obtaining his services to recover the rest. 1 Duv. n. 
     2. Whenever such an agreement amounts to champerty, it is void by law. 
5 Monr. 416; 5 John. Ch. 44. 
     3. Attorneys cannot lawfully make a bargain with their clients to 
receive for their compensation, a part of the thing sued for; in New York, 2 
Caines, 147; Ohio, 1 Ham. 132; Alabama, 755; and some other states - but in 
some of the states such contracts are not unlawful. 

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