CONFIG.SYS <operating system> A {text file} containing special system configuration commands. It is found in the {root directory} on an {MS-DOS} computer, typically on {drive} C (the {hard disk}). It is read by {MS-DOS} at {boot time}, after the setup has been read from {CMOS RAM} and before running {AUTOEXEC.BAT}. It can be modified by the user. Some example commands which CONFIG.SYS might contain are: DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS /testmem:off Load the {extended memory} manager. DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM Load the {expanded memory} manager. BUFFERS=10,0 Specify memory for {disk buffers}. FILES=70 Set the number of files that can be open at once. DOS=UMB DOS is located in {UppeMemoryBlock}. LASTDRIVE=Z Disk drives are A: to Z:. FCBS=16,0 Set the number of {file control blocks}. DEVICEHIGH /L:1,12048 =C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE Report the DOS version to older programs. DOS=HIGH DOS should maintain a link to {UMB}. COUNTRY=358,437 C:\DOS\COUNTRY.SYS Set the {country code} for some programs. STACKS=9,256 Set {dynamic stacks} for hardware control. SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS\ /E:1024 /p Set the location of the {command interpreter}. (1995-03-16)