clothed with authority

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Perhaps one of these: calidity, cladode, clute, tx, collodiotype, call to the bar, claude, tx, collated, colluded, coletit, callidity, clyde, tx, clouted cream, clotted, cool-headedness, call it a day, clotted cream, childed, cell death, childhood, clouted brogues, cold water, ciliated, cold-eyed, clouted, cold weather, clouded, chelated, coaltit, coldwater, mi, collide with, collatitious, clothed, coldwater, ks, claude debussey, clotweed, clouded tiger, ciliated protozoan, coldwater, ms, cool-headed, coldwater, oh, cold-water flat, colatitude, call the tune, coolheaded, clyde tombaugh, coldwater

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