chose local

from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Chose \Chose\, n.; pl. {Choses}. [F., fr. L. causa cause,
   reason. See {Cause}.] (Law)
   A thing; personal property.
   [1913 Webster]

   {Chose in action}, a thing of which one has not possession or
      actual enjoyment, but only a right to it, or a right to
      demand it by action at law, and which does not exist at
      the time in specie; a personal right to a thing not
      reduced to possession, but recoverable by suit at law; as
      a right to recover money due on a contract, or damages for
      a tort, which can not be enforced against a reluctant
      party without suit.

   {Chose in possession}, a thing in possession, as
      distinguished from a thing in action.

   {Chose local}, a thing annexed to a place, as a mill.

   {Chose transitory}, a thing which is movable. --Cowell.
      [1913 Webster]

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