cellular multiprocessing <architecture, parallel> (CMP) The partitioning of {processors} into separate computing environments running different {operating systems}. The term cellular multiprocessing appears to have been coined by {Unisys}, who are developing a system where computers communicate as clustered machines through a high speed {bus}, rather than through communication {protocols} such as {TCP/IP}. The Unisys system is based on {Intel} processors, initially the {Pentium II Xeon} and moving on to the 64-bit {Merced} processors later in 1999. It will be scalable from four up to 32 processors, which can be clustered or partitioned in various ways. For example a sixteen processor system could be configured as four {Windows NT} systems (each functioning as a four-processor {symmetric multiprocessing} system), or an 8-way NT and 8-way {Unix} system. Supported operating systems will be {Windows NT}, {SCO}'s {Unixware} 7.0, Unisys' {SVR4} {Unix} and possibly the OS2200 and MCP-AS {mainframe} operating systems (with the assistance of Unisys' own dedicated {chipset}). (http://marketplace.unisys.com/ent/cmp.html). (1998-09-09)