cast-off adj 1: thrown away; "wearing someone's cast-off clothes"; "throwaway children living on the streets"; "salvaged some thrown-away furniture" [syn: {cast-off(a)}, {discarded}, {throwaway(a)}, {thrown-away(a)}]
Cast-off \Cast"-off`\, a. Cast or laid aside; thrown away; discarded; as, cast-off clothes. Syn: discarded, junked, scrap(prenominal), waste. [1913 Webster]
30 Moby Thesaurus words for "castoff": castaway, deep six, derelict, discard, discarding, disposal, dogie, dumping, elimination, flotsam, flotsam and jetsam, foundling, jetsam, jettison, junk, junking, lagan, orphan, refuse, reject, rejectamenta, rejection, removal, rubbish, scrapping, throwaway, trash, waif, waifs and strays, wastrel