Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
71 Moby Thesaurus words for "befitting":
a propos, ad rem, adapted, advantageous, advisable, applicable,
apposite, appropriate, appropriate to, apropos, apt, auspicious,
becoming, comme il faut, conforming, congruous, convenient,
correct, decent, desirable, dovetailing, due, expedient, favorable,
feasible, felicitous, fit, fitted, fitten, fitting, fortunate,
fructuous, geared, good, happy, just, just right, likely, lucky,
meet, meshing, nice, on the button, opportune, pat, politic,
profitable, proper, proper to, propitious, providential, qualified,
recommendable, relevant, right, ripe, seasonable, seemly, sortable,
suitable, suited, suiting, tailored, timely, to be desired,
to the point, to the purpose, useful, well-timed, wise,
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