baron verulam

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
Baron Verulam
    n 1: English statesman and philosopher; precursor of British
         empiricism; advocated inductive reasoning (1561-1626) [syn:
         {Bacon}, {Francis Bacon}, {Sir Francis Bacon}, {Baron
         Verulam}, {1st Baron Verulam}, {Viscount St. Albans}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Bacon \Bacon\, Francis Bacon \Francis Bacon\prop. n.
   Francis Bacon. A celebrated English philosopher, jurist, and
   statesman, son of Sir Nicholas Bacon. Born at York House,
   London, Jan. 22, 1561: died at Highgate, April 9, 1626,
   created {Baron Verulam} July 12, 1618, and {Viscount St.
   Albans} Jan. 27, 1621: commonly, but incorrectly, called
   {Lord Bacon}. He studied at Trinity College, Cambridge,
   April, 1573, to March, 1575, and at Gray's Inn 1575; became
   attached to the embassy of Sir Amias Paulet in France in
   1576; was admitted to the bar in 1582; entered Parliament in
   1584; was knighted in 1603; became solicitor-general in 1607,
   and attorney-general in 1613; was made a privy councilor in
   1616, lord keeper in 1617, and lord chancellor in 1618; and
   was tried in 1621 for bribery, condemned, fined, and removed
   from office. A notable incident of his career was his
   connection with the Earl of Essex, which began in July, 1591,
   remained an intimate friendship until the fall of Essex
   (1600-01), and ended in Bacon's active efforts to secure the
   conviction of the earl for treason. (See Essex.) His great
   fame rests upon his services as a reformer of the methods of
   scientific investigation; and though his relation to the
   progress of knowledge has been exaggerated and misunderstood,
   his reputation as one of the chief founders of modern
   inductive science is well grounded. His chief works are the
   "Advancement of Learning," published in English as "The Two
   Books of Francis Bacon of the Proficience and Advancement of
   Learning Divine and Human," in 1605; the "Novum organum sive
   indicia vera de interpretatione naturae," published in Latin,
   1620, as a "second part" of the (incomplete) "Instauratio
   magna"; the "De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum,"
   published in Latin in 1623; "Historia Ventorum" (1622),
   "Historia Vitae et Mortis" (1623), "Historia Densi et Rari"
   (posthumously, 1658), "Sylva Sylvarum" (posthumously, 1627),
   "New Atlantis," "Essays" (1597, 1612, 1625), "De Sapientia
   Veterum" (1609), "Apothegms New and Old," "History of Henry
   VII." (1622). Works edited by Ellis, Spedding, and Heath (7
   vols. 1857); Life by Spedding (7 vols. 1861, 2 vols. 1878).
   See Shakspere. --Century Dict. 1906.

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