apple computer, inc.

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Apple Computer, Inc.

   <company> Manufacturers of the {Macintosh} range of {personal
   computers} as well as the earlier {Apple I}, {Apple II} and
   {Lisa}.  Founded on 1 April 1976 by {Steve Jobs} and {Steve

   Apples were among the first {microcomputers}.  They originally
   used the {6502} processor and are still being made (August
   1994), now using the {65816}.  The {Apple II} line, which
   includes the {Apple I}, is the longest existing line of

   Steve Jobs left Apple (involuntarily) and started {NeXT} and
   later returned when Apple bought NeXT in late 1997(?).

   Quarterly sales $2150M, profits $138M (Aug 1994).

   [Dates?  More?]


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