
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
87 Moby Thesaurus words for "aplenty":
      abounding, abundant, abundantly, affluent, affluently,
      all-sufficing, ample, bottomless, bottomlessly, bounteous,
      bounteously, bountiful, bountifully, copious, copiously, diffuse,
      diffusely, effuse, effusely, epidemic, exhaustless, extravagant,
      extravagantly, exuberant, exuberantly, fat, fertile, flush, full,
      fully, galore, generous, generously, in abundance, in full measure,
      in good supply, in plenty, in quantity, inexhaustible,
      inexhaustibly, lavish, lavishly, liberal, liberally, luxuriant,
      many, maximal, maximally, much, no end, numerous, opulent,
      opulently, overflowing, overflowingly, plenitudinous, plenteous,
      plenteously, plentiful, plentifully, plenty, prevailing, prevalent,
      prodigal, prodigally, productive, profuse, profusely, profusive,
      rampant, replete, rich, richly, rife, riotous, riotously,
      running over, superabundant, superabundantly, teeming, to the full,
      wealthy, well-found, well-furnished, well-provided, well-stocked,


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