and there was much rejoicing

from Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
and there was much rejoicing

   [from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.]

   Acknowledgement of a notable accomplishment. Something long-awaited,
   widely desired, possibly unexpected but secretly wished-for, with a
   suggestion that something about the problem (and perhaps the steps
   necessary to make it go away) was deeply disturbing to hacker

   In person, the phrase is almost invariably pronounced with the same
   portentious intonation as the movie. The customary in-person
   (approving) response is a weak and halfhearted "Yaaaay...", with one
   index finger raised like a flag and moved in a small circle. The
   reason for this, like most of the Monty Python oeuvre, cannot easily
   be explained outside its original context.

   Example: "changelog entry #436: with the foo driver brain damage taken
   care of, finally obsoleted BROKEN_EVIL_KLUDGE. Removed from source
   tree. (And there was much rejoicing)."

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