Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
ACQUETS, estates in the civil law. Property which has been acquired by
purchase, gift or otherwise than by succession. Merlin Rep. h.t., confines
acquets to immovable property.
2. In Louisiana they embrace the profits of all the effects, of which
the husband has the administration and enjoyment, either of right or in
fact, of the produce of the reciprocal industry and labor of both husband
and wife, and of the estates which they may acquire during the marriage,
either by donations, made jointly to them both, or by purchase, or in any
other similar way, even although the purchase be only in the name of one of
the two, and not of both, because in that case the period of time when the
purchase is made is alone attended to, and not the person who made the
purchase. Civ. Code, art. 2371.
3. This applies to all marriages contracted in that state, or out of it,
when the parties afterward go there to live, as to acquets afterward made
there. Id. art. 2370.
4. The acquets are divided into two equal portions between the husband
and wife, or between their heirs at the dissolution of their marriage. Id.
art. 2375.
5. The Parties may, however, lawfully stipulate there shall be no
community of profits or gains. Id. art. 2369.
6. But the parties have no right to agree that they shall be governed by
the laws of another country. 3 Martin's Rep. 581. Vide 17 Martin's Rep. 571
2 Kent's Com. 153, note.