
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: unclearness by virtue of being poorly expressed or not
         coherent in meaning; "the Conservative manifesto is a model
         of vagueness"; "these terms were used with a vagueness that
         suggested little or no thought about what each might
    2: indistinctness of shape or character; "the scene had the
       swirling vagueness of a painting by Turner"
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Vagueness \Vague"ness\, n.
   The quality or state of being vague.
   [1913 Webster]
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
VAGUENESS. Uncertainty. 
     2. Certainty is required in contracts, wills, pleadings, judgments, and 
indeed in all the acts on which courts have to give a judgment, and if they 
be vague, so as not to be understood, they are in general invalid. 5 B. & C. 
583; 1 Russ. & M. 116 1 Ch. Pract. 123. A charge of "frequent intemperance" 
and "habitual indolence" are vague and too general. 2 Mart. Lo. Rep. N. S. 
530. See Certainty; Nonsense; Uncertainty. 
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
110 Moby Thesaurus words for "vagueness":
      airiness, airy texture, amorphia, amorphism, amorphousness,
      anarchy, attenuation, bleariness, blobbiness, blur, blurriness,
      bodilessness, broadness, chaos, confusion, dark, darkness, defocus,
      delicacy, diaphanousness, dilutedness, dilution, dimness, disorder,
      entropy, ethereality, exiguity, exility, faintness, feebleness,
      filminess, fineness, flimsiness, fog, fogginess, formlessness,
      frailty, fuzziness, gauziness, generality, gossameriness,
      gracility, half-visibility, haziness, ill-definedness,
      immateriality, impalpability, imponderability, imprecision,
      inaccuracy, inchoateness, incoherence, incorporeality,
      indecisiveness, indefinableness, indefiniteness, indeterminateness,
      indistinctness, indistinguishability, inexactness,
      insubstantiality, intangibility, laciness, laxity, lightness,
      looseness, low profile, messiness, mist, mistiness, mumbo jumbo,
      murk, murkiness, mystification, obfuscation, obscurantism,
      obscuration, obscurity, opacity, orderlessness, paleness,
      paperiness, perplexity, rarity, semivisibility, shadowiness,
      shapelessness, slenderness, slightness, slimness, soft focus,
      subtility, subtlety, sweepingness, tenuity, tenuousness, thinness,
      uncertainty, unclarity, unclearness, unconcreteness, unplainness,
      unreality, unsolidity, unsubstantiality, unsubstantialness,
      vague appearance, wateriness, weakness, wispiness


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