Table dhote

from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Table d'hote \Ta"ble d'h[^o]te"\ (t[.a]"bl' d[=o]t`); pl.
   {Tables d'h[^o]te}. [F., literally, table of the landlord.]
   1. A common table for guests at a hotel; an ordinary.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Now, commonly, a meal, usually of several preselected and
      fixed courses, in a restaurant, hotel, or the like, for
      which one pays a fixed price. Sometimes, a meal with
      optional courses for which one pays a fixed price
      irrespective of what one orders; but the latter is
      usuallyt referred to as a {pris fixe} meal or a {a la
      carte} meal. Often used adjectively; as, a table-d'h[^o]te
      [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
from The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906)
TABLE D'HOTE, n.  A caterer's thrifty concession to the universal
passion for irresponsibility.

    Old Paunchinello, freshly wed,
        Took Madam P. to table,
    And there deliriously fed
        As fast as he was able.

    "I dote upon good grub," he cried,
        Intent upon its throatage.
    "Ah, yes," said the neglected bride,
        "You're in your _table d'hotage_."
                                                      Associated Poets

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