Springal \Spring"al\ (spr[i^]ng"al), Springald \Spring"ald\ (spr[i^]ng"ald), Springall \Spring"all\ (spr[i^]ng"al), n. [Scot. springald, springel, fr. Scot. & E. spring.] An active, springy young man. [Obs.] "There came two springals of full tender years." --Spenser. [1913 Webster] Joseph, when he was sold to Potiphar, that great man, was a fair young springall. --Latimer. [1913 Webster]
Springal \Spring"al\, n. [OF. espringale; of Teutonic origin, akin to E. spring.] An ancient military engine for casting stones and arrows by means of a spring. [1913 Webster]