
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: being very thin; "a child with skinny freckled legs"; "a
           long scrawny neck" [syn: {scraggy}, {boney}, {scrawny},
           {skinny}, {underweight}, {weedy}]
    2: inferior in size or quality; "scrawny cattle"; "scrubby cut-
       over pine"; "old stunted thorn trees" [syn: {scrawny},
       {scrubby}, {stunted}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Scrawny \Scraw"ny\ (skr[add]"n[y^]), a. [Cf. {Scrannel}.]
   Meager; thin; rawboned; bony; scranny.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
77 Moby Thesaurus words for "scrawny":
      Lenten, Spartan, abstemious, angular, anorectic, anorexic, ascetic,
      austere, bony, cadaverous, drawn, dwarfed, dwarfish, emaciated,
      exiguous, flat, flat-chested, fleshless, frugal, gangling, gangly,
      gaunt, gawky, haggard, impoverished, jejune, lank, lanky, lean,
      lean-fleshed, lean-looking, limited, meager, mean, miserly, narrow,
      niggardly, paltry, parsimonious, poor, puny, rawboned, reedy,
      scant, scanty, scraggy, scrimp, scrimpy, skeletal, skimp, skimpy,
      skinny, slender, slight, slim, small, spare, sparing, spidery,
      spindling, spindly, starvation, stingy, stinted, straitened,
      stunted, subsistence, thin, thin-bellied, thin-fleshed, twiggy,
      undersized, underweight, unnourishing, unnutritious, watered,


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