The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
<benchmark, body> Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation.
A non-profit corporation registered in California formed to
"establish, maintain and endorse a standardized set of
relevant {benchmarks} that can be applied to the newest
generation of high-performance computers" (from SPEC's
bylaws). The founders believe that the user community will
benefit greatly from an objective series of
applications-oriented tests, which can serve as common
reference points and be considered during the evaluation
SPEC develops suites of {benchmarks} intended to measure
computer performance. These are available to the public for a
fee covering development and administration costs.
The current (14 Nov 94) SPEC benchmark suites are: {CINT92}
(CPU intensive integer benchmarks); {CFP92} (CPU intensive
floating-point benchmarks); SDM (UNIX Software Development
Workloads); SFS (System level file server (NFS) workload).
Results (ftp://ftp.cdf.toronto.edu/pub/spectable).
SPEC also publishes a quarterly report of SPEC news and
results, The SPEC Newsletter. Some issues are here
There is a FAQ about SPEC here
[email protected]