from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   SET Language.  A very high level language based on sets,
   designed by Jack Schwartz at the {Courant Institute} in the
   early 1970s.  It was possibly the first use of {list
   comprehension} notation.

   Data types include sets (unordered collections), {tuples}
   (ordered collections) and maps (collections of ordered pairs).
   Expressions may include {quantifiers} ('for each' and
   'exists').  The first {Ada} translator was written in SETL.

   See also {ISETL}, {ProSet}, {SETL2}.

   ["Programming With Sets - An Introduction to SETL", Jacob
   T. Schwartz et al, Springer 1986].
from V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (June 2006)
       SEt Theory Language (New York Uni.), "SetL"

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