WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: socially incorrect in behavior; "resentment flared at
such an unmannered intrusion" [syn: {ill-mannered}, {bad-
mannered}, {rude}, {unmannered}, {unmannerly}]
2: (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace [syn: {ill-bred},
{bounderish}, {lowbred}, {rude}, {underbred}, {yokelish}]
3: lacking civility or good manners; "want nothing from you but
to get away from your uncivil tongue"- Willa Cather [syn:
{uncivil}, {rude}] [ant: {civil}, {polite}]
4: (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or
manufactured using only simple or minimal processes; "natural
yogurt"; "natural produce"; "raw wool"; "raw sugar"; "bales
of rude cotton" [syn: {natural}, {raw(a)}, {rude(a)}]
5: belonging to an early stage of technical development;
characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness; "the crude
weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man";
"primitive movies of the 1890s"; "primitive living conditions
in the Appalachian mountains" [syn: {crude}, {primitive},
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Rude \Rude\, a. [Compar. {Ruder}; superl. {Rudest}.] [F., fr. L.
1. Characterized by roughness; umpolished; raw; lacking
delicacy or refinement; coarse.
[1913 Webster]
Such gardening tools as art, yet rude, . . . had
formed. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
2. Hence, specifically:
(a) Unformed by taste or skill; not nicely finished; not
smoothed or polished; -- said especially of material
things; as, rude workmanship. "Rude was the cloth."
[1913 Webster]
Rude and unpolished stones. --Bp.
[1913 Webster]
The heaven-born child
All meanly wrapt in the rude manger lies.
[1913 Webster]
(b) Of untaught manners; unpolished; of low rank; uncivil;
clownish; ignorant; raw; unskillful; -- said of
persons, or of conduct, skill, and the like. "Mine
ancestors were rude." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
He was but rude in the profession of arms. --Sir
H. Wotton.
[1913 Webster]
the rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.
[1913 Webster]
(c) Violent; tumultuous; boisterous; inclement; harsh;
severe; -- said of the weather, of storms, and the
like; as, the rude winter.
[1913 Webster]
[Clouds] pushed with winds, rude in their shock.
[1913 Webster]
The rude agitation [of water] breaks it into
foam. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]
(d) Barbarous; fierce; bloody; impetuous; -- said of war,
conflict, and the like; as, the rude shock of armies.
(e) Not finished or complete; inelegant; lacking
chasteness or elegance; not in good taste;
unsatisfactory in mode of treatment; -- said of
literature, language, style, and the like. "The rude
Irish books." --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
Rude am I in my speech. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Unblemished by my rude translation. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Impertinent; rough; uneven; shapeless; unfashioned;
rugged; artless; unpolished; uncouth; inelegant; rustic;
coarse; vulgar; clownish; raw; unskillful; untaught;
illiterate; ignorant; uncivil; impolite; saucy;
impudent; insolent; surly; currish; churlish; brutal;
uncivilized; barbarous; savage; violent; fierce;
tumultuous; turbulent; impetuous; boisterous; harsh;
inclement; severe. See {Impertiment}.
[1913 Webster] -- {Rude"ly}, adv. -- {Rude"ness}, n.
[1913 Webster]
Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
1. (of a program) Badly written.
2. Functionally poor, e.g., a program that is very difficult to use
because of gratuitously poor (random?) design decisions. Oppose
3. Anything that manipulates a shared resource without regard for its
other users in such a way as to cause a (non-fatal) problem. Examples:
programs that change tty modes without resetting them on exit, or
windowing programs that keep forcing themselves to the top of the
window stack.
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
[WPI] 1. Badly written or functionally poor, e.g. a program
that is very difficult to use because of gratuitously poor
design decisions. Opposite: {cuspy}.
2. Anything that manipulates a shared resource without regard
for its other users in such a way as to cause a (non-fatal)
problem. Examples: programs that change tty modes without
resetting them on exit, or windowing programs that keep
forcing themselves to the top of the window stack. Compare
[{Jargon File}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
289 Moby Thesaurus words for "rude":
Doric, Gothic, Philistine, angular, approximate, arrested, artless,
awkward, backward, barbaric, barbarous, bare, baseborn, basic,
bawdy, below the salt, benighted, biggety, bluff, bold, bookless,
boorish, bouncing, brash, brassy, brazen, brusque, bumbling,
cacophonic, cacophonous, callow, cheeky, choked, churlish,
chutzpadik, clownish, clumsy, coarse, cockney, cocky, common,
commonplace, contemptuous, crabbed, cracked, crass, croaking,
croaky, crude, crusty, curt, deceived, derisive, dirty, discordant,
discourteous, disharmonic, disharmonious, disrespectful, doggerel,
dry, dysphemistic, earthy, embryonic, empty-headed, facy, filthy,
flip, flippant, flush, fresh, functionally illiterate, gally,
gauche, gaudy, graceless, grammarless, gratuitous, green, gross,
gruff, guttural, hale, hale and hearty, hardy, harsh,
harsh-sounding, hearty, heathen, hoarse, homely, homespun,
hoodwinked, humble, husky, ill, ill-bred, ill-educated,
ill-mannered, illiterate, imperfect, impertinent, impolite,
imprecise, improper, impudent, impure, in bad taste, in embryo,
in ovo, in the rough, inaccurate, inaffable, inartistic,
inconcinnate, inconcinnous, incorrect, indecent, indecorous,
indelicate, inelegant, inexact, inexpert, infelicitous, inharmonic,
inharmonious, insolent, insulting, intrusive, inurbane,
know-nothing, led astray, lewd, loud, loutish, low, lowborn,
lowbred, lowbrow, lowly, lubricious, lubricous, lumpy, lusty,
makeshift, malapert, mannerless, mean, meddlesome, meretricious,
metallic, misinformed, misinstructed, misshapen, mistaught,
naughty, nervy, nonclerical, nonintellectual, oafish, obscene,
offensive, ordinary, outlandish, outrageous, oversimple, pagan,
pert, plain, plebeian, pornographic, primitive, proximate, ragged,
raucid, raucous, raw, reductionistic, reductive, ribald, robust,
robustious, robustuous, rough, rough-hewn, roughcast, roughhewn,
roupy, rudimental, rudimentary, rugged, sassy, saucy, savage,
shabby-genteel, simple, simplistic, smart, smart-alecky, smart-ass,
smutty, squawking, squawky, stalwart, stertorous, stout, strangled,
strong, stunted, sturdy, surly, taboo, tactless, tasteless, thick,
third-estate, throaty, tinny, unaccommodating, unblown, unbooked,
unbookish, unbooklearned, unbriefed, uncalled-for, unceremonious,
uncivil, uncivilized, uncomplaisant, unconversant, uncourteous,
uncourtly, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, uncut,
underdeveloped, undeveloped, undignified, undressed, unedified,
uneducated, unerudite, uneuphonious, unfashioned, unfelicitous,
unfinished, unformed, ungallant, ungenteel, ungentlemanly,
ungraceful, ungracious, unguided, unhandsome, unharmonious, unhewn,
uninstructed, unintellectual, unlabored, unladylike, unlearned,
unlettered, unlicked, unliterary, unmannered, unmannerly,
unpolished, unpolite, unpracticed, unprocessed, unread, unrefined,
unscholarly, unschooled, unseemly, unskilled, unstudious, untaught,
untreated, untutored, unversed, unworked, unwrought, vigorous,
vital, vulgar, wild, wise-ass
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