The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Rejoinder \Re*join"der\ (-d?r), n. [From F. rejoindre, inf., to
join again. See {Rejoin}.]
1. An answer to a reply; or, in general, an answer or reply.
[1913 Webster]
2. (Law) The defendant's answer to the plaintiff's
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Reply; answer; replication. See {Reply}.
[1913 Webster]
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
REJOINDER, pleadings. The name of the defendant's answer to the plaintiff's
2. The general requisites of a rejoinder are, 1. It must be triable. 2.
It must not be double, nor will several rejoinders be allowed to the same
declaration. 3. It must be certain. 4. It must be direct and positive, and
not merely by way of recital or argumentative. 5. it must not be repugnant
or insensible. 6. It must be conformable to, and not depart from the plea.
Co. Litt. 304; 6 Com. Dig. 185 Archb. Civ. Pl. 278; U. S. Dig, Pleading,
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
48 Moby Thesaurus words for "rejoinder":
acknowledgment, answer, answering, antiphon, back answer,
back talk, backchat, comeback, confutation, contraremonstrance,
counteraccusation, counterblast, countercharge, counterclaim,
counterreply, counterstatement, defense, echo, evasive reply,
reaction, ready reply, rebuttal, rebutter, receipt, refutation,
repartee, replication, reply, repost, rescript, rescription,
respond, respondence, response, responsion, responsory, retort,
return, reverberation, riposte, short answer, snappy comeback,
surrebuttal, surrebutter, surrejoinder, witty reply, witty retort,
yes-and-no answer
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