WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: the act of giving an account describing incidents or a
course of events; "his narration was hesitant" [syn:
{narration}, {recital}, {yarn}]
2: performance of music or dance especially by soloists
3: a public instance of reciting or repeating (from memory)
something prepared in advance; "the program included songs
and recitations of well-loved poems" [syn: {recitation},
{recital}, {reading}]
4: a detailed statement giving facts and figures; "his wife gave
a recital of his infidelities"
5: a detailed account or description of something; "he was
forced to listen to a recital of his many shortcomings"
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Recital \Re*cit"al\ (r[-e]*s[imac]t"al), n. [From {Recite}.]
1. The act of reciting; the repetition of the words of
another, or of a document; rehearsal; as, the recital of
[1913 Webster]
2. A telling in detail and due order of the particulars of
anything, as of a law, an adventure, or a series of
events; narration. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]
3. That which is recited; a story; a narration.
[1913 Webster]
4. (Mus.) A vocal or instrumental performance by one person;
-- distinguished from concert; as, a song recital; an
organ, piano, or violin recital.
[1913 Webster]
5. (Law) The formal statement, or setting forth, of some
matter of fact in any deed or writing in order to explain
the reasons on which the transaction is founded; the
statement of matter in pleading introductory to some
positive allegation. --Burn.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Account; rehearsal; recitation; narration; description;
explanation; enumeration; detail; narrative. See
[1913 Webster]
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
RECITAL, contracts, pleading. The repetition of some former writing, or the
statement of something which has been done. Touchst. 76.
2. Recitals are used to explain those matters of fact which are
necessary to make the transaction intelligible. 2 Bl. Com. 298. It is said
that when a deed of defeasance recites the deed which it is meant to defeat,
it must recite it truly. Cruise, Dig. tit. 32, c 7, s. 28. In other cases it
need not be so particular. 3 Penna. Rep. 324; 3 Chan. Cas. 101; Co. Litt.
352 b; Com. Dig. Fait, E 1.
3. A party who executes a deed reciting a particular fact is estopped
from denying such fact; as, when it was recited in the condition of a bond
that the obligor had received divers sums of money for the obligee which he
had not brought to account, and acknowledged that a balance was due to the
obligee, it was holden that the obligor was estopped to say that he had not
received any money for the use of the obligee. Willes, 9, 25; Rolle's Ab.
872, 3.
4. In pleading, when public statutes are recited, a small variance will
not be fatal, where by the recital the party is not "tied up to the
statute;" that is, if the conclusion be contra formam statuti praediti. Sav.
42; 1 Chit. Crim. Law, 276 Esp. on Penal Stat. 106. Private statutes must be
recited in pleading, and proved by an exemplified copy, unless the opposite
party, by his pleading admit them.
5. By the plea of nul tiel record, the party relying on a private
statute is put to prove it as recited, and a variance will be fatal. See 4
Co. 76; March, Rep. 117, pl. 193; 3 Harr. & McHen. 388. Vide. generally, 12
Vin. Ab. 129; 13 Vin. Ab. 417; 18 Vin. Ab. 162; 8 Com. Dig. 584; Com. Dig.
Testemoigne Evid. B 5; 4 Binn. R. 231; 1 Dall. R. 67; 3 Binn. R. 175; 3
Yeates, R. 287; 4 Yeates, R. 362, 577; 9 Cowen, R. 86; 4 Mason, R. 268;
Yelv. R. 127 a, note 1; Cruise, Dig. tit. 32, c. 20, s. 23; 5 Johns. Ch.
Rep. 23; 7 Halst. R. 22; 2 Bailey's R. 101; 6 Harr. & Johns. 336; 9 Cowen's
R. 271; 1 Dana's R. 327; 15 Pick. R. 68; 5 N. H. Rep. 467; 12 Pick. R, 157;
Toullier in his Droit Civil Francais, liv. 3, t. 3, c. 6, n. 157 et seq. has
examined this subject with his usual ability. 2 Hill. Ab. c. 29, s. 30; 2
Bail. R. 430; 2 B. & A. 625; 2 Y. & J. 407; 5 Harr. & John. 164; Cov. on
Conv. Ev. 298, 315; Hurl. on Bonds, 33; 6 Watts & Serg. 469.
6. Formerly, in equity, the decree contained recitals of the pleadings
in the cause, which became a great grievance. Some of the English
chancellors endeavored to restrain this prolixity. By the rules of practice
for the courts in equity of the United States it is provided, that in
drawing up decrees and orders, neither the bill, nor the answer, nor other
pleading nor any part thereof, nor the report of any master, nor any other
prior proceedings, shall be stated or recited in the decree or order. Rule
86; 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 4443.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
126 Moby Thesaurus words for "recital":
Philharmonic concert, account, address, after-dinner speech,
allocution, assignment, band concert, chalk talk, chamber concert,
concert, copy, critique, debate, declamation, description,
diatribe, discourse, disquisition, dwelling upon, elaboration,
entertainment, enumeration, eulogy, exercise, exhortation,
exposition, filibuster, forensic, forensic address, formal speech,
funeral oration, going over, harangue, homework, homily,
hortatory address, inaugural, inaugural address, instruction,
interpretation, invective, iteration, jeremiad, lecture,
lecture-demonstration, lesson, moral, moral lesson, morality,
moralization, musical performance, musical program, musicale,
narration, narrative, object lesson, oration, pep talk,
performance, peroration, philharmonic, philippic, pitch,
pop concert, pops, popular concert, practicing, preachment,
prepared speech, prepared text, presentation, program,
program of music, prom, promenade concert, public speech, reading,
reaffirmation, recap, recapitulation, recitation, recountal,
recounting, rehash, rehearsal, reissue, reiteration, relation,
rendition, repetition, report, reprint, restatement, resume,
retelling, review, sales talk, salutatory, salutatory address, say,
screed, sermon, service of music, set speech, set task, show,
skull session, speech, speechification, speeching, story, summary,
summing up, symphony concert, tale-telling, talk, talkathon, task,
teaching, telling, tirade, valediction, valedictory,
valedictory address, version, yarn spinning
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