quintette n 1: five performers or singers who perform together [syn: {quintet}, {quintette}] 2: a set of five similar things considered as a unit [syn: {quintet}, {quintette}, {quintuplet}, {quintuple}] 3: five people considered as a unit [syn: {quintet}, {quintette}, {fivesome}] 4: a musical composition for five performers [syn: {quintet}, {quintette}]
Quintet \Quin*tet"\, Quintette \Quin*tette"\, n. [It. quintetto, dim. of quinto the fifth, a fifth part, from L. quintus the fifth: cf. F. quintette. See {Quint}.] (Mus.) A composition for five voices or instruments; also, the set of five persons who sing or play five-part music. [1913 Webster]