WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: the noise made by a short puff of steam (as from an engine)
2: (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to
the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately; "he had a
sharp crease in his trousers" [syn: {trouser}, {pant}]
3: a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open; "she
gave a gasp and fainted" [syn: {gasp}, {pant}]
v 1: breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners
reached the finish line, panting heavily" [syn: {pant},
{puff}, {gasp}, {heave}]
2: utter while panting, as if out of breath
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Pant \Pant\ (p[.a]nt), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Panted}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Panting}.] [Cf. F. panteler to gasp for breath, OF.
panteisier to be breathless, F. pantois out of breath; perh.
akin to E. phantom, the verb prob. orig. meaning, to have the
1. To breathe quickly or in a labored manner, as after
exertion or from eagerness or excitement; to respire with
heaving of the breast; to gasp.
[1913 Webster]
Pluto plants for breath from out his cell. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
2. Hence: To long eagerly; to desire earnestly; -- often used
with for or after.
[1913 Webster]
As the hart panteth after the water brooks. --Ps.
xlii. 1.
[1913 Webster]
Who pants for glory finds but short repose. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]
3. To beat with unnatural violence or rapidity; to palpitate,
or throb; -- said of the heart. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
4. To sigh; to flutter; to languish. [Poetic]
[1913 Webster]
The whispering breeze
Pants on the leaves, and dies upon the trees.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Pant \Pant\, v. t.
1. To breathe forth quickly or in a labored manner; to gasp
[1913 Webster]
There is a cavern where my spirit
Was panted forth in anguish. --Shelley.
[1913 Webster]
2. To long for; to be eager after. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Then shall our hearts pant thee. --Herbert.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
241 Moby Thesaurus words for "pant":
Aqua-Lung, ache for, aim, artificial respiration, aspiration,
aspire, asthmatic wheeze, bake, bark, bawl, be dying for,
be hurting for, be in heat, beat, bellow, blare, blat, blaze,
bloom, blow, blubber, boil, boom, bray, break down, breath,
breath of air, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out,
breathing, broil, broken wind, burn, burn out, buzz, cackle, chant,
chirp, choke, clamor for, collapse, combust, coo, cook, cough,
covet, crack up, crave, crow, cry for, desire, drawl, droop, drop,
drum, exclaim, exhalation, exhale, exhaust, expel, expiration,
expire, exsufflation, faint, fatigue, fidget, flag, flame,
flame up, flare, flare up, flicker, flip out, flush, flute,
flutter, freak out on, fry, gape for, gasp, get high on, get tired,
give out, glow, go pitapat, grow weary, growl, grunt, gulp, hack,
hanker after, have the fidgets, have the shakes, heave, hiccup,
hiss, hone for, hope for, huff, huff and puff, hunger, incandesce,
inhalation, inhalator, inhale, inspiration, inspire, insufflation,
iron lung, itch for, jade, jerk, keen, languish for, lilt, long,
long for, lust for, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mumble, murmur,
mutter, oxygen mask, oxygen tent, palpitate, pant after, pant for,
parch, peter out, pine, pine for, pipe, play out, poop out, puff,
puff and blow, pulsate, pulse, quake, quaver, quiver, radiate heat,
respiration, respire, roar, roast, rumble, run down, run out,
scald, scorch, scream, screech, scuba, seethe, shake,
shimmer with heat, shiver, shriek, sibilate, sigh, sigh for,
simmer, sing, sink, smolder, smother, snap, snarl, sneeze, sniff,
sniffle, snore, snoring, snort, snuff, snuffle, sob, spark,
spoil for, squall, squawk, squeal, squirm, steam, sternutation,
stertor, stew, stifle, succumb, suffocate, suspiration, sweat,
swell, swell with emotion, swelter, thirst, thirst for, thrill,
thrill to, throb, thunder, tick, ticktock, tingle,
tingle with excitement, tire, toast, toss, toss and turn, tremble,
trumpet, tumble, turn on to, twang, twist and turn, twitch,
twitter, wail, want, warble, weary, weary for, wheeze, whine,
whisper, wiggle, wilt, wind, wish, wish for, wriggle, writhe, yap,
yawp, yearn for, yell, yelp, yen for