The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
1. <language> {Paradox Application Language}.
2. For the {AVANCE} distributed {persistent} {operating
["PAL Reference Manual", M. Ahlsen et al, SYSLAB WP-125,
Stockholm 1987].
["AVANCE: An Object Management System", A. Bjornerstedt et al,
SIGPLAN Notices 23(11):206-221 (OOPSLA '88) (Nov 1988)].
[What is it?]
3. <language> An {object-oriented} {Prolog}-like language.
["Inheritance Hierarchy Mechanism in Prolog", K. Akama, Proc
Logic Prog '86, LNCS 264, Springer 1986, pp. 12-21].
4. <language> {PDP Assembly Language}.
5. <language> {Pedagogic Algorithmic Language}.
6. <hardware, integrated circuit> {Programmable Array Logic}.
7. <television> {phase alternating line}.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
75 Moby Thesaurus words for "pal":
ace, amigo, associate, associate with, assort with, bedfellow,
bedmate, bosom buddy, buddy, bunkie, bunkmate, butty, camarade,
chamberfellow, chum, chum together, chum with, classmate, clique,
clique with, club together, colleague, comate, companion, company,
compeer, comrade, confrere, consociate, consort, consort with,
copartner, crony, fellow, fellow student, fellowship,
flock together, fraternize, girl friend, gossip, hang around with,
hang out with, herd together, hobnob with, join,
join in fellowship, keep company with, mate, messmate, mingle with,
mix with, old crony, pal up with, pal with, pard, pardner, partner,
playfellow, playmate, roommate, run, run in couples, run with,
schoolfellow, schoolmate, shipmate, side partner, sidekick,
sort with, take up with, teammate, tie up with, workfellow,
yokefellow, yokemate
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