odoriferous adj 1: morally offensive; "odoriferous legislation" 2: emitting an odor; "odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack" [syn: {odoriferous}, {odorous}] 3: having a natural fragrance; "odoriferous spices"; "the odorous air of the orchard"; "the perfumed air of June"; "scented flowers" [syn: {odoriferous}, {odorous}, {perfumed}, {scented}, {sweet}, {sweet-scented}, {sweet-smelling}]
Odoriferous \O`dor*if"er*ous\, a. [L. odorifer; odor odor + ferre to bear. See {Odoe}, and 1st {Bear}.] Bearing or yielding an odor; perfumed; usually, sweet of scent; fragrant; as, odoriferous spices, particles, fumes, breezes. --Milton. [1913 Webster] -- {O`dor*if"er*ous*ly}, adv. --{O`dor*if"er*ous*ness}, n. [1913 Webster]