
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience
         [syn: {magician}, {prestidigitator}, {conjurer},
         {conjuror}, {illusionist}]
    2: one who practices magic or sorcery [syn: {sorcerer},
       {magician}, {wizard}, {necromancer}, {thaumaturge},
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Juggler \Jug"gler\, n. [OE. jogelour, juglur, OF. jogleor,
   jugleor, jongleor, F. jongleur, fr. L. joculator a jester,
   joker, fr. joculus a little jest or joke, dim. of jocus jest,
   joke. See {Joke}, and cf. {Jongleur}, {Joculator}.]
   [1913 Webster]
   1. One who juggles; one who practices or exhibits tricks by
      sleight of hand; one skilled in legerdemain; a conjurer.

   Note: This sense is now expressed by {magician} or
         [1913 Webster +PJC]

               As nimble jugglers that deceive the eye. --Shak.
         [1913 Webster]

               Jugglers and impostors do daily delude them.
                                                  --Sir T.
         [1913 Webster]

   2. A deceiver; a cheat. --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. A person who juggles objects, i. e. who maintains several
      objects in the air by passing them in turn from one hand
      to another.
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Magician \Ma*gi"cian\, n. [F. magicien. See {Magic}, n.]
   1. One skilled in magic; one who practices the black art; an
      enchanter; a necromancer; a sorcerer or sorceress; a
      [1913 Webster]

   2. An entertainer who produces seemingly magical effects by
      clever illusions; most magicians admit that the craft is
      mere illusion, rather than a true supernatural art.
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
124 Moby Thesaurus words for "magician":
      Circe, Merlin, Prospero, ace, airiness, appearance, artist,
      artiste, belly dancer, burlesque queen, charmer, chorine,
      chorus boy, chorus girl, conjurer, conjuror, coryphee, crackerjack,
      dancer, dancing girl, delusiveness, diabolist, diviner, ecdysiast,
      enchanter, enchantress, entertainer, escamoteur, exorciser,
      exorcist, exotic dancer, fallaciousness, false appearance,
      false light, false show, falseness, female impersonator,
      first-rater, fortune-teller, geisha, geisha girl, genius,
      good hand, great, guisard, guiser, hoofer, idealization,
      illusionism, illusionist, illusiveness, immateriality,
      impersonator, juggler, mage, magian, magic, magic act, magic show,
      magus, mahatma, man of genius, marvel, master, master hand,
      mastermind, medicine man, medium, miracle-worker, mountebank,
      mummer, musician, nautch girl, necromancer, past master, peeler,
      performer, practiced hand, prestidigitation, prestidigitator,
      prodigy, prophet, public entertainer, sage, satanist, seeming,
      seer, semblance, shaman, show, show girl, simulacrum, singer,
      skilled hand, sleight of hand, sleight-of-hand performer,
      soothsayer, sorcerer, sorceress, sorcery, specious appearance,
      star, stripper, stripteaser, stripteuse, superstar, thaumaturge,
      thaumaturgist, theurgist, topnotcher, tricker, trickster,
      unactuality, unreality, unsubstantiality, vaudevillian,
      vaudevillist, virtuoso, voodoo, voodooist, warlock, whiz, witch,


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