
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: obsolete terms for legal insanity [syn: {lunacy},
         {madness}, {insaneness}]
    2: foolish or senseless behavior [syn: {folly}, {foolery},
       {tomfoolery}, {craziness}, {lunacy}, {indulgence}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Lunacy \Lu"na*cy\, n.; pl. {Lunacies}. [See {Lunatic}.]
   1. Insanity or madness; properly, the kind of insanity which
      is broken by intervals of reason, -- formerly supposed to
      be influenced by the changes of the moon; any form of
      unsoundness of mind, except idiocy; mental derangement or
      alienation. --Brande. --Burrill.
      [1913 Webster]

            Your kindred shuns your house
            As beaten hence by your strange lunacy. --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. A morbid suspension of good sense or judgment, as through
      fanaticism. --Dr. H. More.

   Syn: Derangement; craziness; mania. See {Insanity}.
        [1913 Webster]
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
LUNACY, med. jur. A disease of the mind, which is differently defined as it 
applies to a class of disorders, or only to one species of them. As a 
general term it includes all the varieties of mental, disorders, not 
     2. Lunacy is adopted as a general term, on account of its general use 
as such in various legislative acts and legal proceedings, as commissions of 
lunacy, and in this sense it seems to be synonymous with non compos mentis, 
or of unsound mind. 
     3. In a more restricted sense, lunacy is the state of one who has bad 
understanding, but by disease, grief, or other accident, has lost the use of 
reason. 1 Bl. Com. 304. 
     4. The following extract from a late work, Stock on the Law of Non 
Compotes Mentis, will show the difficulties of discovering what is and what 
is not lunacy. "If it be difficult to find an appropriate definition or 
comprehensive name for the various species of lunacy," says this author, 
page 9, "it is quite as difficult to find anything approximating to a 
positive evidence of its presence. There are not in lunacy, as in fatuity, 
external signs not to be mistaken, neither is there that similarity of 
manner and conduct which enables any one, who has observed instances of 
idiocy or imbecility, to detect their presence in all subsequent cases, by 
the feebleness of perception and dullness of sensibility common to them all. 
The varieties of lunacy are as numerous as the varieties of human nature, 
its excesses commensurate with the force of human passion, its phantasies 
coextensive with the range of human intellect. It may exhibit every mood 
from the most serious to the most gay, and take every tone from the most 
sublime to the most ridiculous. It may confine itself to any trifling 
feeling or opinion, or overcast the whole moral and mental conformation. It 
may surround its victim with unreal persons and events, or merely cause him 
to regard real persons and events with an irrational favor or dislike, 
admiration or contempt. It may find satisfaction in the most innocent folly, 
or draw delight from the most atrocious crime. It may lurk so deeply as to 
elude the keenest search, or obtrude so openly as to attract the most 
careless notice. It may be the fancy of an hour, or the distraction of a 
whole life. Such being the fact, it is not surprising that many scientific 
and philosophical men have vainly exhausted their observation and ingenuity 
to find out some special quality, some peculiar mark or characteristic 
common to all cases of lunacy, which might serve at least as a guide in 
deciding on its absence or presence in individual instances. Being hopeless 
of a definition, they would willingly have contented themselves with a test, 
but even this the obscurity and difficulty of the subject seem to forbid. 
     5. Lord Erskine, who, in his practice at the bar, had his attention 
drawn this way, from being engaged in some of the most remarkable trials of 
his time involving questions of lunacy, has given as his test, "a delusive 
image, the inseparable companion of real insanity," (Ersk. Misc. Speeches) 
and Dr. Haslam, whose opportunities of observation have surpassed most other 
persons, has proposed nearly the same, by saying that "false belief is the 
essence of insanity." (Haslam on Insanity.) Sir John Nicholl, in his 
admirable judgment in the case of Dew v. Clark, thus expresses himself: "The 
true criterion is, where there is delusion of mind there is insanity; that 
is, when persons believe things to exist, which exist only, or at least, in 
that degree exist only in their own imagination, and of the non-existence of 
which neither argument nor proof can convince them; they are of unsound mind;

or as one of the counsel accurately expressed it, it is only the belief of 
facts, which no rational person could have believed, that is insane 
delusion." (Report by Haggard, p. 7.) Useful as these several remarks are, 
they are not absolutely true. It is indeed beyond all question that the 
great majority of lunatics indulge in some "delusive image," entertain some 
"false belief." They assume the existence of things or persons which do not 
exist, and so yield to a delusive image, or they come to wrong conclusions 
about persons and things which do exist, and so fall into a false belief. 
But there is a class of cases where lunacy is the result of exclusive 
indulgence in particular trains of thought or feeling, where these tests are 
sometimes wholly wanting, and yet where the entire absorption of the 
faculties in one predominant idea, the devotion of all the bodily and mental 
powers to one useless or injurious purpose, prove that the mind has lost its 
equilibrium. With some passions, indeed, such as self-esteem and fear, what 
was at first an engrossing sentiment, will often go on to a positive 
delusion; the self-adoring egotist grows to fancy himself a sovereign or a 
deity; the timid valetudinarian becomes the prey of imaginary diseases, the 
victim of unreal persecutions. But with many other passions, such as desire, 
avarice or revenge, the neglect and forgetfulness of all things save one, 
the insensibility to all restraints of reason, morality, or prudence, often 
proceed to such an extent as to justify holding an individual as a lunatic, 
incapable of all self-restraint, although, strictly speaking, not possessed 
by any delusive image or false belief. Much less do these tests apply to 
many cases of irresistible propensity to acts wholly irrational, such as to 
murder or to steal without the smallest assignable motive, which, rare as 
they are, certainly occur from time to time, and cannot but be held as an 
example of at least partial and temporary lunacy. It is to cases where no 
false belief or image can be detected, that the remark of Lord Erskine is 
more particularly applicable; "they frequently mock the wisdom of the wisest 
in judicial trials," (Ersk. Misc. Speeches,) and were not the paramount 
object of all legal punishment the benefit of the community, which makes it 
inexpedient to spare offenders against the law, if insanity be the ground of 
their defence, except upon the clearest proof, lest skillful dissemblers 
should thereby be led to hope for impunity, very subtle questions might no 
doubt be raised as to the degree of moral responsibility and mental sanity 
attaching to the perpetrators of many atrocious acts, seeing that they often 
commit them tinder temptations quite inadequate to allure men of common 
prudence, or under passions so violent as to suspend altogether the 
operations of reason or free will. For as it is impossible to obtain an 
accurate definition of lunacy, so it is manifestly so, to draw the line 
correctly between it and its opposite rationality, or, to borrow the words 
of Chief Justice Hale, (1 Hale's P. C. p. 30,) "Doubtless most persons that 
are felons, of themselves and others, are under a degree of partial insanity 
when they commit those offences. It is very difficult to define the 
indivisible line that divides perfect and partial, insanity; but it must 
rest on circumstances duly to be weighed and considered both by the judge 
and jury, lest on one side there be a kind of inhumanity towards the defects 
of human nature, or on the other side too great an indulgence given to great 
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
97 Moby Thesaurus words for "lunacy":
      aberration, abnormality, absurdity, alienation, asininity,
      battiness, brain damage, brainlessness, brainsickness, buffoonery,
      clouded mind, clownishness, crackpottedness, crankiness, craziness,
      daffiness, daftness, dementedness, dementia, derangement,
      desipience, disorientation, distraction, eccentricity, fatuity,
      fatuousness, folie, folly, foolery, foolhardiness, foolheadedness,
      foolishness, frivolity, frivolousness, furor, giddiness, goofiness,
      idiocy, illogic, illogicality, imbecility, inanity, ineptitude,
      insaneness, insanity, irrationality, loss of mind, loss of reason,
      madness, mania, mental deficiency, mental derangement,
      mental disease, mental disorder, mental disturbance,
      mental illness, mental instability, mental sickness,
      mind overthrown, mindlessness, mindsickness, niaiserie, nugacity,
      nuttiness, oddness, pixilation, possession, preposterousness,
      psychopathy, psychosis, queerness, rabidness, reasonlessness,
      ridiculousness, sappiness, screwiness, senselessness,
      shattered mind, sick mind, sickness, silliness, strangeness,
      stupidity, thoughtlessness, triflingness, triviality, unbalance,
      unbalanced mind, unsaneness, unsound mind, unsoundness,
      unsoundness of mind, wackiness, weirdness, witlessness, zaniness,


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