Ide \Ide\, n. (Zool.) Same as first {Id}, the fish. [1913 Webster]
-ide \-ide\ (Chem.) A suffix used to denote: (a) The nonmetallic, or negative, element or radical in a binary compound; as, oxide, sulphide, chloride. (b) A compound which is an anhydride; as, glycolide, phthalide. (c) Any one of a series of derivatives; as, indogenide, glucoside, etc. [1913 Webster]
IDE 1. <storage> Integrated Drive Electronics, see {Advanced Technology Attachment}. 2. <programming, tool> {integrated development environment}. 3. <company> {Interactive Development Environments}. (2002-04-14)
IDE Integrated Development Environment
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics (HDD)