Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
1. Short for {hexadecimal}, base 16.
2. A 6-pack of anything (compare {quad}, sense 2). Neither usage has
anything to do with {magic} or {black art}, though the pun is
appreciated and occasionally used by hackers. True story: As a joke,
some hackers once offered some surplus ICs for sale to be worn as
protective amulets against hostile magic. The chips were, of course,
hex inverters.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
118 Moby Thesaurus words for "hex":
Jonah, Weird Sisters, abuse, accurse, afflict, aggrieve, anathema,
anathematize, bad influence, ban, bedevil, befoul, bewitch,
blaspheme, blasphemy, blast, blight, bring bad luck, cantrip,
charm, commination, condemn, confound, corrupt, coven, crucify,
curse, damage, damn, damnation, darn, defile, demonize,
denunciation, deprave, despoil, destroy, diabolize, disadvantage,
disserve, distress, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do wrong,
do wrong by, doom, enchant, enchantment, enchantress, envenom,
evil eye, evil genius, evil star, excommunicate, excommunication,
execrate, execration, exorcism, fulminate against, fulmination,
get into trouble, glamour, hag, harass, harm, hoodoo, hurt,
ill wind, impair, imprecate, imprecation, infect, injure, jinx,
lamia, magic spell, malevolent influence, malison, malocchio,
maltreat, menace, mistreat, molest, obsess, outrage, overlook,
persecute, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, pollute,
possess, prejudice, proscription, savage, scathe, shamaness,
sorceress, spell, taint, threaten, throw a whammy, thunder against,
thundering, torment, torture, violate, voodoo, wanga, weird,
whammy, witch, witchwife, witchwoman, wound, wreak havoc on,
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