WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a collection of objects laid on top of each other [syn:
{pile}, {heap}, {mound}, {agglomerate}, {cumulation},
2: (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;
"a batch of letters"; "a deal of trouble"; "a lot of money";
"he made a mint on the stock market"; "see the rest of the
winners in our huge passel of photos"; "it must have cost
plenty"; "a slew of journalists"; "a wad of money" [syn:
{batch}, {deal}, {flock}, {good deal}, {great deal},
{hatful}, {heap}, {lot}, {mass}, {mess}, {mickle}, {mint},
{mountain}, {muckle}, {passel}, {peck}, {pile}, {plenty},
{pot}, {quite a little}, {raft}, {sight}, {slew}, {spate},
{stack}, {tidy sum}, {wad}]
3: a car that is old and unreliable; "the fenders had fallen off
that old bus" [syn: {bus}, {jalopy}, {heap}]
v 1: bestow in large quantities; "He heaped him with work"; "She
heaped scorn upon him"
2: arrange in stacks; "heap firewood around the fireplace";
"stack your books up on the shelves" [syn: {stack}, {pile},
3: fill to overflow; "heap the platter with potatoes"
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Heap \Heap\ (h[=e]p), n. [OE. heep, heap, heap, multitude, AS.
he['a]p; akin to OS. h[=o]p, D. hoop, OHG. houf, h[=u]fo, G.
haufe, haufen, Sw. hop, Dan. hob, Icel. h[=o]pr troop, flock,
Russ. kupa heap, crowd, Lith. kaupas. Cf. {Hope}, in Forlorn
1. A crowd; a throng; a multitude or great number of persons.
[Now Low or Humorous]
[1913 Webster]
The wisdom of a heap of learned men. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
A heap of vassals and slaves. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
He had heaps of friends. --W. Black.
[1913 Webster]
2. A great number or large quantity of things not placed in a
pile; as, a heap of trouble. [Now Low or Humorous]
[1913 Webster]
A vast heap, both of places of scripture and
quotations. --Bp. Burnet.
[1913 Webster]
I have noticed a heap of things in my life. --R. L.
[1913 Webster]
3. A pile or mass; a collection of things laid in a body, or
thrown together so as to form an elevation; as, a heap of
earth or stones.
[1913 Webster]
Huge heaps of slain around the body rise. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Heap \Heap\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Heaped} (h[=e]pt); p. pr. &
vb. n. {Heaping}.] [AS. he['a]pian.]
1. To collect in great quantity; to amass; to lay up; to
accumulate; -- usually with up; as, to heap up treasures.
[1913 Webster]
Though he heap up silver as the dust. --Job. xxvii.
[1913 Webster]
2. To throw or lay in a heap; to make a heap of; to pile; as,
to heap stones; -- often with up; as, to heap up earth; or
with on; as, to heap on wood or coal.
[1913 Webster]
3. To form or round into a heap, as in measuring; to fill (a
measure) more than even full.
[1913 Webster]
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
1. <programming> An area of memory used for {dynamic memory
allocation} where blocks of memory are allocated and freed in
an arbitrary order and the pattern of allocation and size of
blocks is not known until {run time}. Typically, a program
has one heap which it may use for several different purposes.
Heap is required by languages in which functions can return
arbitrary data structures or functions with {free variables}
(see {closure}). In {C} functions {malloc} and {free} provide
access to the heap.
Contrast {stack}. See also {dangling pointer}.
2. <programming> A data structure with its elements partially
ordered (sorted) such that finding either the minimum or the
maximum (but not both) of the elements is computationally
inexpensive (independent of the number of elements), while
both adding a new item and finding each subsequent
smallest/largest element can be done in O(log n) time, where n
is the number of elements.
Formally, a heap is a {binary tree} with a key in each {node},
such that all the {leaves} of the tree are on two adjacent
levels; all leaves on the lowest level occur to the left and
all levels, except possibly the lowest, are filled; and the
key in the {root} is at least as large as the keys in its
children (if any), and the left and right subtrees (if they
exist) are again heaps.
Note that the last condition assumes that the goal is finding
the minimum quickly.
Heaps are often implemented as one-dimensional {arrays}.
Still assuming that the goal is finding the minimum quickly
the {invariant} is
heap[i] <= heap[2*i] and heap[i] <= heap[2*i+1] for all i,
where heap[i] denotes the i-th element, heap[1] being the
first. Heaps can be used to implement {priority queues} or in
{sort} algorithms.
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
When Joshua took the city of Ai (Josh. 8), he burned it and
"made it an heap [Heb. tel] for ever" (8:28). The ruins of this
city were for a long time sought for in vain. It has been at
length, however, identified with the mound which simply bears
the name of "Tel." "There are many Tels in modern Palestine,
that land of Tels, each Tel with some other name attached to it
to mark the former site. But the site of Ai has no other name
'unto this day.' It is simply et-Tel, 'the heap' par
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
275 Moby Thesaurus words for "heap":
abundance, accord, accumulate, accumulation, administer, afford,
agglomeration, aggregate, aggregation, allot, allow, amass,
amassment, amount, anthill, army, assemble, auto, autocar,
automobile, award, backlog, bag, bank, bank up, barrel, batch,
bestow, bestow on, boat, bottle, box, budget, buggy, bunch, burden,
bus, can, car, charge, choke, chunk, clump, cluster, clutch, cock,
cohue, collect, collection, commissariat, commissary, communicate,
confer, congeries, conglomeration, considerable, cord, cornucopia,
count, crate, crowd, crush, cumulate, cumulation, deal, deal out,
deluge, deposit, dish out, dispense, dog, dole, dole out, donate,
dose, drift, dump, dune, embankment, extend, fill, flock, flood,
fork out, freight, galaxy, garner, garner up, gather,
gather into barns, gathering, gift, gift with, give,
give cheerfully, give freely, give out, glean, gob, gobs,
good deal, grant, great deal, group, hand out, harvest, haycock,
haymow, hayrick, haystack, heap up, heap upon, heaps, help to,
hide, hill, hoard, hoard up, hold, horde, host, hunk, impart,
inventory, issue, jalopy, jam, jillion, keep, lade, larder,
large amount, lashings, lavish, lavish upon, lay up, legion,
let have, load, loads, lot, lots, lumber, lump, machine, mass,
material, materials, materiel, measure, mess, mete, mete out,
million, mint, mob, molehill, motor, motor vehicle, motorcar,
motorized vehicle, mound, mountain, mow, much, multitude,
munitions, not hold back, number, offer, oodles, open the purse,
pack, pack away, panoply, parcel, part, peck, pile, pile up, piles,
plenitude, plenty, plethora, pocket, portion, pot, pots, pour,
power, present, press, proffer, provide, provisionment, provisions,
put up, pyramid, quantities, quantity, quite a little, rabble,
raft, rafts, rain, ration, rations, reap, render, repertoire,
repertory, rick, rout, ruck, sack, save, save up, scads, scores,
sea, secrete, serve, set aside, shell out, ship, shock, shower,
shower down upon, sight, slew, slews, slip, small amount, snow,
snowdrift, spare no expense, spare nothing, spate, squirrel,
squirrel away, stack, stack up, stacks, stash, stock, stock up,
stock-in-trade, stockpile, store, store up, stores, stow, sum,
superabundance, supplies, supply, supply on hand, tender, thousand,
throng, tidy sum, tons, treasure, treasure up, treasury, trillion,
tub, voiture, vouchsafe, wad, wads, wheels, whole slew, wreck,
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