The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Foal \Foal\ (f[=o]l), n. [OE. fole, AS. fola; akin to OHG. folo,
G. fohlen, Goth. fula, Icel. foli, Sw. f[*a]le, Gr. pw^los,
L. pullus a young animal. Cf. {Filly}, {Poultry}, {Pullet}.]
The young of any animal of the Horse family {(Equid[ae])}; a
colt; a filly.
[1913 Webster]
{Foal teeth} (Zool.), the first set of teeth of a horse.
{In foal}, {With foal}, being with young; pregnant; -- said
of a mare or she ass.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
74 Moby Thesaurus words for "foal":
Houyhnhnm, be confined, bear, bear a child, bear young, birdling,
brood mare, calf, calve, cast, catling, charger, chick, chickling,
chicky, colt, courser, critter, cub, dobbin, dogie, drop, duckling,
entire, entire horse, equine, farrow, fawn, filly, fledgling,
fryer, gelding, give birth, gosling, have, have a baby, have young,
horse, kid, kit, kitten, labor, lamb, lambkin, lie in, litter,
mare, mount, nag, nest, nestling, piglet, pigling, polliwog,
prancer, pullet, pup, puppy, shoat, stallion, steed, stud,
studhorse, tadpole, tarpan, throw, top horse, travail, war-horse,
weaner, whelp, wild horse, yean, yeanling
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