The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
full-motion video
(FMV) Any system used to deliver moving video images and sound
on a computer. Video images and sound are stored on disk;
{compact disc} is preferred because of the amount of data
required. Some form of {video compression} is used to reduce
the amount of data and to allow it to be read from disk
quickly enough. Compression can be relatively slow but
decompression is done in {real-time} with the picture quality
and {frame rate} varying with the processing power available,
the size of the picture and whether it appears in a {window}
or uses the whole screen.
{Acorn Computers}' system is called {Replay} and {Apple
Computer}'s is {QuickTime}.
Compare {MPEG}, {H.261}.
[IBM PC equivalent? Do they all use compression? Web page?]