
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a
         building [syn: {buttress}, {buttressing}]
    v 1: reinforce with a buttress; "Buttress the church"
    2: make stronger or defensible; "buttress your thesis"
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Buttress \But"tress\, n. [OE. butrasse, boterace, fr. F. bouter
   to push; cf. OF. bouteret (nom. sing. and acc. pl. bouterez)
   buttress. See {Butt} an end, and cf. {Butteris}.]
   1. (Arch.) A projecting mass of masonry, used for resisting
      the thrust of an arch, or for ornament and symmetry.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: When an external projection is used merely to stiffen a
         wall, it is a pier.
         [1913 Webster]

   2. Anything which supports or strengthens. "The ground pillar
      and buttress of the good old cause of nonconformity."
      [1913 Webster]

   {Flying buttress}. See {Flying buttress}.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Buttress \But"tress\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Buttressed} (?); p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Buttressing}.]
   To support with a buttress; to prop; to brace firmly.
   [1913 Webster]

         To set it upright again, and to prop and buttress it up
         for duration.                            --Burke.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
144 Moby Thesaurus words for "buttress":
      abutment, advocate, affirm, afford support, alpenstock,
      arc-boutant, arm, athletic supporter, attest, authenticate, back,
      back up, backbone, backing, bandeau, bank, beam, bear, bear out,
      bear up, bearer, beef up, bolster, bolster up, bra, brace,
      brace up, bracer, bracket, brassiere, breakwater, bulwark, buoy up,
      buttress pier, buttressing, cane, carrier, carry, case harden,
      certify, cervix, circumstantiate, column, confirm, corroborate,
      corset, cradle, crook, crutch, cushion, document, embankment,
      finance, flying buttress, fortify, foundation garment, fulcrum,
      fund, gird, girdle, give support, groin, guy, guywire,
      hanging buttress, harden, hold, hold up, invigorate, jetty, jock,
      jockstrap, jutty, keep, keep afloat, keep up, lend support,
      mainstay, maintain, maintainer, mast, mole, neck, nerve, pier,
      pier buttress, pillow, probate, prop, prop up, prove, rampart,
      ratify, refresh, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer,
      reinvigorate, rest, resting place, restrengthen, retaining wall,
      rigging, seawall, shore, shore up, shoulder, shroud, spine, sprit,
      staff, standing rigging, stave, stay, steel, stick, stiffen,
      stiffener, strengthen, strengthener, subsidize, substantiate,
      subvention, subventionize, support, supporter, sustain, sustainer,
      temper, toughen, underbrace, undergird, underlie, underpin,
      underpinning, underset, upbear, uphold, upholder, upkeep, validate,
      verify, walking stick, warrant


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