Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
1. n. [acronym: Binary Large OBject] Used by database people to refer
to any random large block of bits that needs to be stored in a
database, such as a picture or sound file. The essential point about a
BLOB is that it's an object that cannot be interpreted within the
database itself.
2. v. To {mailbomb} someone by sending a BLOB to him/her; esp. used as
a mild threat. "If that program crashes again, I'm going to BLOB the
core dump to you."
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
94 Moby Thesaurus words for "blob":
ball, balloon, bilge, bit, bladder, blain, bleb, blister, boll,
bolus, boss, bow, bubble, bulb, bulbil, bulblet, bulge, bulla,
bump, bunch, burl, button, cahot, chine, clump, condyle, convex,
dab, dowel, drop, droplet, ear, ellipsoid, flange, flap, gall,
geoid, globe, globelet, globoid, globule, glomerulus, gnarl, gob,
gobbet, gout, handle, hill, hump, hunch, jog, joggle, knob, knot,
knur, knurl, lip, loop, lump, mole, mountain, nevus, nub, nubbin,
nubble, oblate spheroid, orb, orbit, orblet, papilloma, peg,
pellet, prolate spheroid, rib, ridge, ring, rondure, shoulder,
smidgen, smidgin, sphere, spheroid, spherule, spine, stud, style,
tab, tubercle, tubercule, verruca, vesicle, wale, wart, welt
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