Bam n 1: an ancient city in southeastern Iran; destroyed by an earthquake in 2003 2: a sudden very loud noise [syn: {bang}, {clap}, {eruption}, {blast}, {bam}]
bam \bam\ (b[a^]m), n. [Prob. a contr. of bamboozle.] An imposition; a cheat; a hoax. --Garrick. [1913 Webster] To relieve the tedium, he kept plying them with all manner of bams. --Prof. Wilson. [1913 Webster]
Bam \Bam\, v. t. To cheat; to wheedle. [Slang] --Foote. [1913 Webster]
BAM Bidirectional Associative Memory (neural nets)
BAM Bundesanstalt fuer Materialpruefung (org., Berlin, Germany)