WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: mixed asphalt and crushed gravel or sand; used especially
for paving but also for roofing
2: a dark bituminous substance found in natural beds and as
residue from petroleum distillation; consists mainly of
hydrocarbons [syn: {asphalt}, {mineral pitch}]
v 1: cover with tar or asphalt; "asphalt the driveway"
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Asphalt \As"phalt\, Asphaltum \As*phal"tum\, n. [Gr. ?, of
eastern origin: cf. F. asphalte.]
1. Mineral pitch, Jews' pitch, or compact native bitumen. It
is brittle, of a black or brown color and high luster on a
surface of fracture; it melts and burns when heated,
leaving no residue. It occurs on the surface and shores of
the Dead Sea, which is therefore called Asphaltites, or
the Asphaltic Lake. It is found also in many parts of
Asia, Europe, and America. See {Bitumen}.
[1913 Webster]
2. A composition of bitumen, pitch, lime, and gravel, used
for forming pavements, and as a water-proof cement for
bridges, roofs, etc.; asphaltic cement. Artificial asphalt
is prepared from coal tar, lime, sand, etc.
[1913 Webster]
{Asphalt stone}, {Asphalt rock}, a limestone found
impregnated with asphalt.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
154 Moby Thesaurus words for "asphalt":
Formica, Masonite, Tarmac, Tarvia, alabaster, amphibole, antimony,
apatite, aplite, arsenic, asbestos, azurite, bauxite, bitumen,
bituminous macadam, blacktop, boron, brick, brimstone, bromine,
brucite, calcite, canvas, carbon, carpeting, celestite, cement,
chalcedony, chlorite, chromite, clapboard, clay, coal, cobble,
cobblestone, coke, concrete, cork tile, corundum, cryolite, curb,
curbing, curbstone, diatomite, edgestone, emery, epidote, epsomite,
feldspar, fiber glass, flag, flagging, flagstone, flooring, garnet,
glauconite, graphite, gravel, gypsum, hatchettine, holosiderite,
iron pyrites, jet, kerb, kerbstone, kyanite, lignite, lime,
linoleum, macadam, magnesite, malachite, maltha, marcasite, marl,
meerschaum, mica, mineral coal, mineral oil, mineral salt,
mineral tallow, mineral tar, mineral wax, molybdenite, monazite,
obsidian, olivine, ozokerite, pantile, paper, parquet, pavement,
pavestone, paving, paving stone, peat, perlite, phosphate rock,
phosphorus, plasterboard, plywood, pumice, pyrite, pyrites,
pyroxene, quartz, realgar, red clay, rhodonite, road metal,
rock crystal, rocks, roofage, roofing, roofing paper, salt,
selenite, selenium, shake, sheathing board, sheeting, shingle,
siderite, siding, silica, silicate, silicon, slate, spar, spinel,
spodumene, spun glass, stone, sulfur, talc, talcum, tar paper,
tarmacadam, tellurium, thatch, tile, tilestone, tiling, veneer,
wainscoting, wallboard, walling, wallpaper, washboard,
weatherboard, wollastonite, wood, wulfenite, zeolite
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