Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
ANIMUS. The intent; the mind with which a thing is done, as animus
cancellandi, the intention of cancelling; animus farandi, the intention of
stealing; animus maiaendi, the intention of remaining; animus morandi, the
intention or purpose of delaying.
2. Whether the act of a man, when in appearance criminal, be so or not,
depends upon the intention with which it was done. Vide Intention.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
138 Moby Thesaurus words for "animus":
acrimony, afflatus, aim, ambition, anima, animating spirit,
animation, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, appetence, appetency,
appetite, aptitude, aspiration, bad blood, bent, bias,
bitter feeling, bitterness, cast, character, choice, command,
conation, conatus, constitution, counsel, decision, desideration,
desideratum, design, desire, determination, diathesis, discretion,
discrimination, disposition, divine afflatus, eccentricity, effect,
elan vital, enlivenment, exhilaration, fancy, feud, fire, firing,
fixed purpose, free choice, free will, function, genius, grain,
grudge, hard feelings, hostility, idea, idiosyncrasy, ill blood,
ill feeling, ill will, inclination, individualism, infection,
infusion, inspiration, intendment, intent, intention, kidney,
leaning, liking, lust, make, makeup, meaning, mental set, mettle,
mind, mind-set, mold, motive, moving spirit, nature, nisus,
objective, passion, plan, pleasure, pneuma, point, predilection,
predisposition, preference, prejudice, proclivity, project,
propensity, proposal, prospectus, psyche, purpose, rancor,
resolution, resolve, sake, set, sexual desire, slant, soreness,
sourness, spirit, stamp, strain, streak, stripe, striving, study,
temper, temperament, tendency, turn, turn of mind, twist, type,
velleity, vendetta, venom, view, virulence, vital force, vitriol,
volition, warp, will, will power, wish
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