Algol 68

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   <language> An extensive revision of {ALGOL 60} by Adriaan van
   Wijngaarden et al.  ALGOL 68 was discussed from 1963 by
   Working Group 2.1 of {IFIP}.  Its definition was accepted in
   December 1968.

   ALGOL 68 was the first, and still one of very few, programming
   languages for which a complete formal specification was
   created before its implementation.  However, this
   specification was hard to understand due to its formality, the
   fact that it used an unfamiliar {metasyntax} notation (not
   {BNF}) and its unconventional terminology.

   One of the singular features of ALGOL 68 was its {orthogonal}
   design, making for freedom from arbitrary rules (such as
   restrictions in other languages that arrays could only be used
   as parameters but not as results).  It also allowed {user
   defined data types}, then an unheard-of feature.

   It featured {structural equivalence}; automatic type
   conversion ("{coercion}") including {dereferencing}; {flexible
   arrays}; generalised loops (for-from-by-to-while-do-od),
   if-then-else-elif-fi, an integer case statement with an 'out'
   clause (case-in-out-esac); {skip} and {goto} statements;
   {blocks}; {procedures}; user-defined {operators}; {procedure
   parameters}; {concurrent} execution (par-begin-end);
   {semaphores}; generators "heap" and "loc" for {dynamic
   allocation}.  It had no {abstract data types} or {separate



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