
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Aceldama \A*cel"da*ma\, n. [Gr. ?, fr. Syr. [=o]k[=e]l dam[=o]
   the field of blood.]
   The potter's field, said to have lain south of Jerusalem,
   purchased with the bribe which Judas took for betraying his
   Master, and therefore called {the field of blood}. Fig.: A
   field of bloodshed.
   [1913 Webster]

         The system of warfare . . . which had already converted
         immense tracts into one universal aceldama. --De
   [1913 Webster]
from Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
the name which the Jews gave in their proper tongue, i.e., in
Aramaic, to the field which was purchased with the money which
had been given to the betrayer of our Lord. The word means
"field of blood." It was previously called "the potter's field"
(Matt. 27:7, 8; Acts 1:19), and was appropriated as the
burial-place for strangers. It lies on a narrow level terrace on
the south face of the valley of Hinnom. Its modern name is Hak
from Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)
Aceldama, field of blood
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
31 Moby Thesaurus words for "aceldama":
      Belsen, DMZ, abattoir, battle line, battle site, battlefield,
      battleground, butchery, combat area, combat zone,
      concentration camp, enemy line, field, field of battle,
      field of blood, firing line, front line, gas chamber,
      killing ground, landing beach, line, line of battle, seat of war,
      shambles, slaughterhouse, stockyard, the front, theater,
      theater of operations, theater of war, zone of communications


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