WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: the quality of being near to the true value; "he was
beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass"; "the
lawyer questioned the truth of my account" [syn:
{accuracy}, {truth}] [ant: {inaccuracy}]
2: (mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a
number; "the atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time
with much greater accuracy"
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Accuracy \Ac"cu*ra*cy\ (#; 277), n. [See {Accurate}.]
The state of being accurate; freedom from mistakes, this
exemption arising from carefulness; exact conformity to
truth, or to a rule or model; precision; exactness; nicety;
correctness; as, the value of testimony depends on its
[1913 Webster]
The professed end [of logic] is to teach men to think,
to judge, and to reason, with precision and accuracy.
[1913 Webster]
The accuracy with which the piston fits the sides.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
58 Moby Thesaurus words for "accuracy":
absoluteness, attention to detail, attention to fact,
care for truth, circumstantiality, conscientiousness, correctness,
criticality, criticalness, definiteness, delicacy, detail,
exactingness, exactitude, exactness, exquisiteness, faithfulness,
faultlessness, fidelity, fineness, finicality, finicalness,
finickiness, finickingness, flawlessness, fussiness, literalism,
literality, literalness, mathematical precision, meticulousness,
minuteness, minuteness of detail, niceness, nicety, particularity,
particularness, perfection, preciseness, precisianism, precision,
punctiliousness, punctuality, refinement, right, rightness,
rigidity, rigidness, rigor, rigorousness, scrupulosity,
scrupulousness, severity, specificity, strictness, subtlety,
textualism, the letter
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