accouchement n 1: the parturition process in human beings; having a baby; the process of giving birth to a child [syn: {childbirth}, {childbearing}, {accouchement}, {vaginal birth}]
Accouchement \Ac*couche"ment\ (#; 277), n. [F., fr. accoucher to be delivered of a child, to aid in delivery, OF. acouchier orig. to lay down, put to bed, go to bed; L. ad + collocare to lay, put, place. See {Collate}.] Delivery in childbed [1913 Webster]
ACCOUCHEMENT. The act of giving birth to a child. It is frequently important to prove the filiation of an individual; this may be done in several ways. The fact of the accouchement may be proved by the direct testimony of one who was present, as a physician, a midwife, or other person. 1 Bouv. Inst. u. 314.