WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a line of defense consisting of a barrier of felled or live
trees with branches (sharpened or with barbed wire
entwined) pointed toward the enemy [syn: {abattis},
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Abatis \Ab"a*tis\, Abattis \Aba"t*tis\, ([a^]b"[.a]*t[i^]s;
French [.a]`b[.a]`t[=e]") n. [F. abatis, abattis, mass of
things beaten or cut down, fr. abattre. See {Abate}.] (Fort.)
A means of defense formed by felled trees, the ends of whose
branches are sharpened and directed outwards, or against the
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
56 Moby Thesaurus words for "abatis":
advanced work, balistraria, bank, banquette,
barbed-wire entanglement, barbican, barricade, barrier, bartizan,
bastion, battlement, breastwork, bulwark, casemate,
cheval-de-frise, circumvallation, contravallation, counterscarp,
curtain, demibastion, dike, drawbridge, earthwork, enclosure,
entanglement, escarp, escarpment, fence, fieldwork, fortalice,
fortification, glacis, loophole, lunette, machicolation, mantelet,
merlon, mound, outwork, palisade, parados, parapet, portcullis,
postern gate, rampart, ravelin, redan, redoubt, sally port, scarp,
sconce, stockade, tenaille, vallation, vallum, work
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