Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
57 Moby Thesaurus words for "vitalize":
activate, animate, arouse, awaken, boost, breathe life into,
brighten, bring into being, bring into existence, bring to life,
buoy up, call into being, call into existence, cheer, conceive,
dynamize, electrify, encourage, endow with life, energize, enliven,
excite, exhilarate, fire, fortify, galvanize, give a lift,
give birth, give life to, gladden, hearten, inflame, inspire,
inspirit, invigorate, jazz up, kindle, liven, pep up, perk up,
pick up, provoke, quicken, refresh, reinvigorate, rejoice,
rejoice the heart, rejuvenate, renew, revive, rouse, snap up,
stimulate, strengthen, vivify, warm, zip up
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