
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or
           resulting in ill fortune; "an unfortunate turn of
           events"; "an unfortunate decision"; "unfortunate
           investments"; "an unfortunate night for all concerned"
           [ant: {fortunate}]
    2: not auspicious; boding ill [syn: {inauspicious},
       {unfortunate}] [ant: {auspicious}]
    3: unsuitable or regrettable; "an unfortunate choice of words";
       "an unfortunate speech"
    n 1: a person who suffers misfortune [syn: {unfortunate},
         {unfortunate person}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Unfortunate \Un*for"tu*nate\, a.
   Not fortunate; unsuccessful; not prosperous; unlucky;
   attended with misfortune; unhappy; as, an unfortunate
   adventure; an unfortunate man; an unfortunate commander;
   unfortunate business. -- n. An unfortunate person. --Hood.
   [1913 Webster] -- {Un*for"tu*nate*ly}, adv. --
   {Un*for"tu*nate*ness}, n.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
162 Moby Thesaurus words for "unfortunate":
      abortive, afflictive, apocalyptic, awful, awkward, bad, badly off,
      baleful, baneful, black, bodeful, boding, bootless, calamitous,
      catastrophic, cursed, dark, deplorable, depressed, dire,
      disastrous, dismal, distressing, disturbing, donsie, doomed,
      doomful, dreary, evil, evil-starred, failed, failing, fatal,
      fateful, foreboding, forlorn, fortuneless, fruitless, funest,
      futile, gloomy, graceless, grievous, hapless, hard-luck guy,
      hardcase, heartbreaking, ill, ill off, ill-advised, ill-boding,
      ill-chosen, ill-considered, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-seasoned,
      ill-starred, ill-suited, ill-timed, impolitic, improper,
      in adverse circumstances, inadvisable, inappropriate, inapt,
      inauspicious, incongruous, inconvenient, ineffective, ineffectual,
      inefficacious, inept, inexpedient, infelicitous, inopportune,
      intempestive, intrusive, irrelevant, lame, lamentable, late, loser,
      lowering, luckless, mal a propos, malapropos, malefic, manque,
      menacing, miscarried, miscarrying, miserable, mistimed,
      of evil portent, of no effect, off base, ominous, out of line,
      out of luck, out of phase, out of place, out of time, pathetic,
      pitiable, planet-struck, poor, poor unfortunate, portending,
      portentous, premature, regrettable, ruinous, sad, sad sack,
      schlemiel, schlimazel, short of luck, sinister, somber,
      star-crossed, starred, stickit, stillborn, successless, sure loser,
      terrible, threatening, too late, too soon, tragic, unbefitting,
      unblessed, underprivileged, undesirable, unfavorable, unfit,
      unfitting, unhandy, unhappy, unlucky, unmeet, unprofitable,
      unpromising, unpropitious, unprosperous, unprovidential, unready,
      unripe, unseasonable, unseemly, unsuccessful, unsuitable, untimely,
      untoward, unwise, upsetting, useless, victim, woebegone, woeful,
      wretched, wrong


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