WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: characterized by the presence of tuberculosis lesions or
tubercles; "tubercular leprosy"
2: pertaining to or of the nature of a normal tuberosity or
tubercle; "a tubercular process for the attachment of a
ligament or muscle"
3: relating to tuberculosis or those suffering from it; "a
tubercular hospital"
4: constituting or afflicted with or caused by tuberculosis or
the tubercle bacillus; "a tubercular child"; "tuberculous
patients"; "tubercular meningitis" [syn: {tubercular},
n 1: a person with pulmonary tuberculosis [syn: {consumptive},
{lunger}, {tubercular}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tubercular \Tu*ber"cu*lar\, a.
1. Having tubercles; affected with tubercles; tubercled;
[1913 Webster]
2. Like a tubercle; as, a tubercular excrescence.
[1913 Webster]
3. (Med.) Characterized by the development of tubercles; as,
tubercular diathesis.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
63 Moby Thesaurus words for "tubercular":
allergic, anemic, apoplectic, arthritic, bilious, burled,
cancerous, chlorotic, colicky, consumptive, dropsical, dyspeptic,
edematous, encephalitic, epileptic, gnarled, gnarly, knobbed,
knobby, knoblike, knotted, knotty, knurled, knurly, laryngitic,
leprous, luetic, malarial, malignant, measly, nephritic, neuralgic,
neuritic, nodal, noded, nodiform, nodular, nodulated, noduled,
nubbled, nubbly, nubby, palsied, paralytic, phthisic, pleuritic,
pneumonic, pocky, podagric, rachitic, rheumatic, rickety,
scorbutic, scrofulous, studded, tabetic, tabid, torose,
tuberculous, tuberose, tuberous, tumorigenic, tumorous
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